COAL INDUSTRYMagnetic impulse cleaning systems have been applied to the concentrators of fuel companies and coal enterprises. They are widely used to clean bunkers from coke, to clean storage and receiving bunkers from coal dust and to collapse hung materials, in chutes and conveyors and cyclone dust collectors, to remove sediment and buildup on surfaces of baths screens, etc.
Magnetic impulse installation MIG is an efficient solution to problems in the coal industry:
The practice of applying magnetic impulse cleaning system of bunkers, cyclonic separators and other containers in coal industry has shown high efficiency of this method in comparison with other equipment (electric vibrators, pneumatic destroyers, defrosters, crushing and milling machines), and manual cleaning.
Magnetic impulse installations MIG are available in different types with different specifications that allow to find the best option for addressing problems of cleaning bunkers from coke, coal, rock and coal dust.
The advantages of using magnetic impulse installation MIG in the coal industry are obvious:
MIG installation comply with the standards of Russian Federation and ISO 9001-2008 certified. The possibility of using magnetic impulse MIG units at hazardous facilities is confirmed by lisences received from RosTekhNadzor (Russian Technical Safety Agency) based on technical documentation and examination of industrial safety.
Qualified staff and strong production base of the INTERTECH company are key factors in development and implementation of magnetic impulse systems of various capacities for the effective collapse of hang loose materials in the coal industry.